Especially when you consider brand-new Talent Deep Burn, coming in to replace Hit Me and To The Limit, which weren’t up to scratch. Though Zarya’s buffs are only slight, Blizzard have stated that previous small changes to Zarya’s abilities has had a huge impact, so this should be no different.

Mana cost reduction increased from 15 to 20.Level 1 Talent – Echo of the Elements.

Thrall’s Mana cost has been reduced as Blizzard have taken note that his success is reliant on frequent casting. Slow duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.PvE damage bonus reduced from 250% to 200%.Damage bonus increased from 30% to 35%.Duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.Cooldown reduction increased from 5 to 7 seconds.Healing from Basic Attacks increased from 50% to 60%.Additional functionality: Heroic abilities grant 60 Armor for 2 seconds.Though why any Hero with the Talents Speed Metal and Crowd Surfer is being overlooked is beyond me. Heroes of the Storm patch notes – Heroes ETC (Tank)ĮTC has been buffed just slightly as Blizzard look to encourage increased use of the Rock God. There was also one bug fix, addressing an issue with ETC’s Talents. We have listed some of the more considerable changes below. New Heroes of the Storm patch notes released for the Septemupdate show a huge number of changes to Heroes Talents and Base abilities, some being nerfed and some being boosted.